Jazmín Vidal

PhD Fellow CONICET @ Computer Science Department, FCEN UBA / ICC, CONICET

Mail: jvidal at dc uba ar 


Degree in Letters from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). PhD fellow at the Department of Computer Science, FCEN UBA / ICC, CONICET under the supervision of Dr. Luciana Ferrer. She works on the development of automatic pronunciation scoring systems using automatic speech recognizers (ASR).

Research interests

  • Pronunciation scoring
  • Speech Recognition
  • Machine Learning


Link to my Google Scholar


  • Marcelo Sancinetti, Jazmín Vidal, Cyntia Bonomii, Luciana Ferrer, ‘A Transfer Learning Based Approach to Pronunciation Scoring’, arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.00976, 2021.
  • Jazmín Vidal, Cyntia Bonomi, Marcelo Sancinetti, Luciana Ferrer, ‘Phone-level pronunciation scoring for Spanish speakers learning English using a gop-dnn system’, Interspeech 2021
  • L. Gauder, P. Riera, L. Pepino, S. Brussino, J. Vidal, L. Ferrer, and A. Gravano, ‘Trust-uba: A corpus for the study of the manifestation of trust in speech’, arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05977, 2020.
  • Pablo Brusco, Jazmín Vidal, Agustín Gravano, Stefan Benus, ‘A cross-linguistic analysis of the temporal dynamics of turn-taking cues using machine learning as a descriptive tool’, Speech Communication, 2020.
  • Jazmín Vidal, Luciana Ferrer, Leonardo Brambilla, ‘EpaDB: a database for development of pronunciation assessment systems’, Interspeech, 2019


  • Google Research Award for Latin America – 2018
  • Innovative Social Business Model Global Award, SBC, HEC MONTREAL – 2021