Information Extraction from the Speech Signal

Human beings extract a great amount of information from the speech we hear, both consciously and unconsciously. Besides understanding what is being said, we know who is speaking (when the voice sounds familiar), what language they speak (if it is one of the languages we know, even superficially); we can even estimate whether the speaker […]

Cognition in time: patterns and hierarchical structures

This line of research seeks to produce computational models that mimic the way we process events in time. In particular, we are interested in the cognitive process by which a person perceives events and extracts patterns that help make predictions. Such predictions alter the way future events are perceived. Human communication in which information is […]

Machine Learning applied to spontaneous dialogue data

We are currently working on a series of machine learning experiments with the goal of understanding the mechanisms of turn-taking transitions in dialogue. We base our experiments on features automatically extracted from speech and EEG signals. For this purpose, we built a corpus of unrestricted dialogues between pairs of subjects, with simultaneous recordings of speech […]

Computational Social Science

Intelligence is a population property. Certainly practice (trial-and-error) is fundamental for learning. However, humans learn things from others, improve and transmit them to the next generation, leading to a cultural accumulation that can not be developed by a single individual during her lifetime. Culture is information distributed in individuals that is transmitted through imitation and other forms of social […]

Computational psychiatry

The psychiatry clinic is the area of ​​medicine with fewer objective analysis procedures outside of standardized questionnaires, because of this, it depends extremely on the experience of the doctor. This condition generates a wide difference over the convergence in the diagnosis according to the experience of the professional. At the other extreme, other clinical areas […]

Spoken Language Processing

Text-To-Speech System: The task of transforming text into spoken words may be decomposed into several subtasks: Decide how to read the text, or how to expand abbreviations, numeric expressions, etc. into words. Examples: Dr./doctor; 12/twelve; ASAP/as soon as possible. Decide how to pronounce each word, or how to convert letters (graphemes) into sounds (phonemes). Examples: house/h […]

Randomness, Computability and Logic

Is 1010101010101010 the result of tossing a coin and writing 1 if it comes a head and 0 if it comes a tail? And what about this one: 1001101111001101? One puts in doubt the first one but trusts the second. Although both strings are equally probable (because both have the same length), one feels that […]

Decision making

: Chess has long been a model system to study complex thought processes. In particular, a consensus has emerged in that chess expertise comes in two forms: the ability to calculate variations (search) and the ability to recognize and remember meaningful patterns on the board (pattern recognition). Given the intricacies of the game, a robust […]

Massive-scale neuroscience

MateMarote: Many 1-to-1 educational models are spreading all over the world: the One Laptop Per Child program (OLPC), directed by Nicholas Negroponte and Conectar Igualdad program from Argentina are two of the biggest ones deployed. This initiatives open up a new era with massive-scale educational resources. The fact that all learning and teaching tasks are […]