Laouen Belloli

CONICET scholar @ Department of Computer Science, FCE UBA / ICC, CONICET

Mail: lbelloli at dc uba ar 


Computer Science graduate student at UBA, Ph.D. student under the supervision of Diego Fernández Slezak. His work mainly focuses on the research of mental state markers obtained using machine learning techniques like natural language processing and neural networks applied to different mental signals like speech, EEG and MRI.



  • Machine learning
  • Natural languaje processing
  • Neural Networks
  • Signal processing
  • Neuroscience


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Selection of articles

  • L. Belloli, G. Wainer and R. Najmanovich, “Parsing and model generation for biological processes,” 2016 Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS-DEVS), 2016, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.23919/TMS.2016.7918827.
  • L. Belloli, D. Vicino, C. Ruiz-Martin and G. Wainer, “Building Devs Models with the Cadmium Tool,” 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2019, pp. 45-59, doi: 10.1109/WSC40007.2019.9004917.
  • Ruiz-Martin, Cristina, Gabriel A. Wainer, and Laouen Belloli. “Integration and Automation of Modeling of Biological Cell Processes.” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 114 (2022): 102419.


Teaching experience

    • Teaching assistant, Algorithms and Data Structures 3, Computer Department – FCEyN – Universidad de Buenos Aires.
    • Teaching assistant, Discrete Event Simulation (DEVS), Computer Department – FCEyN – Universidad de Buenos Aires.
    • Teaching assistant, Numerical Methods, Computer Department – FCEyN – Universidad de Buenos Aires.