PhD Fellow CONICET @ Computer Science Department, FCEN UBA / ICC, CONICET
Mail: bbianchi at dc uba ar
PhD in Biology, UBA. Postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Diego Fernández Slezak and Juan Kamienkowski. Teaching Assistant of “Introduction to Programing” in the Computer Science Department and in “Text Mining” of the Master’s Degree in Data Recovery and Mining, UBA. During his PhD he worked on the study of the brain bases of predictions, using neuroimaging obtained while reading texts and NLP techniques for modeling predictions. He is currently researching at the interface between Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence, applying knowledge from both disciplines to understand the processes underlying linguistic processing by the brain and by current language models.
Selección de publicaciones:
- Eye-Tracking
- Neural Networks
Link to Google Scholar
Bianchi, B., Loredo, R., Da Fonseca, M., Carden, J., Jaichenco, V., von der Malsburg, T., … & Kamienkowski, J. (2023). Neural bases of predictions during natural reading of known statements: An EEG and eye movements co-registration study. Neuroscience.
Umfurer, A., Kamienkowski, J. E., & Bianchi, B. (2021). Using LSTM-based Language Models and human Eye Movements metrics to understand next-word predictions. In XXII Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia artificial (ASSAI 2021)-JAIIO 50 (Modalidad virtual).
Bianchi, B., Monzón, G. B., Ferrer, L., Slezak, D. F., Shalom, D. E., & Kamienkowski, J. E. (2020). Human and computer estimations of Predictability of words in written language. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-11.
Bianchi, B., Shalom, D. E., & Kamienkowski, J. E. (2019). Predicting known sentences: Neural basis of proverb reading using non-parametric statistical testing and mixed-effects models. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 13, 82.