Undergraduate student @ Department of Computer Science, FCEyN UBA
Mail: mmacario at dc uba ar | danielamacab at gmail com
Intermediate student of the Bachelor of Computer Science, FCEyN – UBA. Coordinator of disseminators of the Department of Computer Science. She is developing with an improvement scholarship granted by Torcuato di Tella University under the supervision of Andrea Goldin and Diego Slezak. In this scholarship, she is working on the technical support and development of an educational video game environment for the research project in Cognitive Neuroscience “Mate Marote”
Research/ interest areas:
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Data Science
- CS teaching
- JADIPRO 2019: Electrónica aplicada para Ciencias y Tecnología con Arduino en la Escuela (poster).
- SAN 2020: Evaluation of the usability of a cognitive training videogaming platform in the elderly (poster).
- SAN 2021: Effectiveness of computerized cognitive training in patients with diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment using an Argentinian videogaming platform: a double-blind randomized trial in Mar del Plata (poster).