Martín Miguel

PhD Fellow CONICET @ Computer Science Department, FCEN UBA / ICC, CONICET

Mail: mmiguel at dc uba ar 


Licentiate (BS + MS) in Computer Science, at University of Buenos Aires. PhD Candidate under the supervision of Diego Fernández Slezak and Mariano Sigman. Teacher Assistant of the “Algorithms and Data Structures II” course at University of Buenos Aires. Works in computational models of cognition, with focus on rhythm perception modeling to capture predictions made about musical stimuli and the certainty of these predictions.

Áreas de Investigación/Interés:

  • Computational cognitive modeling
  • Bayesian inference
  • Systematic Musicology



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Main publications:

  • Pironio N., Slezak D.F. & Miguel M.A. Pulse clarity metrics developed from a deep learning beat tracking model. Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Online, 2021. PDF
  • Miguel, M.A. & Slezak D.F. Modeling beat uncertainty as a 2D distribution of period and phase: a MIR task proposal. Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Online, 2021. PDF
  • Miguel, M.A., Riera, P. & Slezak, D.F. A simple and cheap setup for timing tapping responses synchronized to auditory stimuli. Behav Res (2021).
  • Miguel M.A., Sigman M, Fernandez Slezak D (2020) From beat tracking to beat expectation: Cognitive-based beat tracking for capturing pulse clarity through time. PLOS ONE 15(11): e0242207.

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